
Share your story ...

Through our own personal experiences we gain knowledge. It’s a gift to others to share that knowledge so they feel they are not alone, and it might give them strength to try something they might not have tried before.

Out of difficult and trying situations, we can take that experience and turn it into a positive and life changing journey. I am so thankful for all the years I suffered because now I am a champion for the Natural Progesterone cause! I will talk to anyone who will listen about the benefits of Natural Progesterone.

If you would like to share your hormone balancing success story, please email me at balance-your-body-naturally@shaw.ca.

A note about privacy: We will only use your first name and the city you live in with your story. Your last name and/or email address will NOT appear in the testimonial unless you specifically give permission to do so.

Canadian Testimonials ...

Kokoro has been my saviour. I have been on the cream for almost a year and it has taken away 90% of any premenstrual symptoms I had. No more mood swings, irritability and my cycle is now regular. Endometriosis pain that I experienced during my menses has decreased immensely. The beauty of the cream is that you are in control of the doses and you can experiment to see what is best for you. Anyone thinking of going on the cream [progesterone cream] should give themselves a good 6 months to get a good regime going. Don’t give up!

~ Shelley
Sydenham, Ontario

 I had uncontrollable acne that took over my face and my life. I never had any in my life until 4 years ago. It stopped when I was pregnant but was back afterwards. I used to have a very clear face so I never used cosmetics and people always wondered how it could be so perfect. But 4 years ago everything changed. My dermatologist already prescribed me Accutane (if you learned of its side effects you would think 100x before you used it, just like I did). My ex-boss introduced me to Kokoro (I also talked to an alternative medical doctor and a mom of a teenager I knew from a website that sells Benzoil Peroxide: acne.org). It took just a week of using the progesterone cream and my acne was gone. As a bonus, I now have normal periods (I used to have heavy ones), I sleep better (I had a lot of insomnia) and I don’t have hot flashes anymore. And let me tell you it helps with stress too. Well, like I said, this is a great product and I think people need to know about this product. I sure owe it to my ex-boss who introduced me to it.


~ Fransiska
Markham, Ontario

Well I don’t know the exact date I started to use the cream but about 3 months ago I noticed an improvement in my stream – I now go to the washroom like I did in my youth. I have had no prostate troubles for 8 months. I take other supporting supplements as well, but they just keep my stable. I told my wife that the only difference is the cream. I will be on it forever, it works for me

~ Clifford
Manotick, Ontario

I have been using Kokoro Balance Cream, as recommended by Dr. Lee, for the last 10 months. I have been using it to strengthen my bones and keep the estrogen in balance (and all the symptoms that come with estrogen dominance). I am approaching my menopause, and I find that the progesterone is regulating my cycle very effectively.

~ Mariola
Edmonton, Alberta

I just can’t believe how the cream works on my facial hair and has improved my sleep patterns. I am 82 years old and I just hate to stop for a week, I don’t miss one day without my hormone cream. [Note: Sophie is also building her bone density!]

~ Sophie
New Liskeard, Ontario

I have to tell you that is the best move I ever did. I once had pain in my neck and I apply the cream and the pain goes away. It has restored my sex drive, improved my dark facial hair after 6 months. I can’t wait for more surprises!

~ R.A.
Marathon, Ontario

I have been using the Kokoro Balance Cream for the past 2 years. I can honestly say that it has made a huge difference in my life. First of all, I have less PMS symptoms (ie. Bloating, weight gain and irritability). It has helped keep my cycle regular. My period is much less heavy than it used to be. I really do feel more “balanced” emotionally. I would recommend women of all ages at least give it a try. I’m glad I did.

~ Carrie
Sherwood Park, Alberta

My son was born with one testicle so I thought he might benefit from a try of progesterone creme. I wasn’t sure what to expect and neither did he. Several months after he began using the crème he phoned me to ask when I was ordering more – I asked him why and he said that the cream had cleared up his long standing case of acne. He said that his pimples had cleared completely after using the cream on his face and had began to come back when the cream ran out. Apparently he applied a thin film of creme directly on the acne and they began to disappear. We do not know if continued use will eventually eliminate the acne without re-use, but the fact is...it worked!

~ Name withheld by request
Huntsville, Ontario

I have been using Kokoro Balance Cream for nearly two years, after being introduced to it by a dear friend. We were discovering that we had the same internal symptoms during the aging process, and darn it, wasn’t there something proactive we could do to feel better. I am 64 years old and have been prescribed premarin since the early 1990’s after a hysterectomy. I was pumping all of this unopposed estrogen into my body for many years when I read Dr. Lee’s book [What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause]. It made sense to me and my doctor agreed that progesterone was called for. Balancing the excess estrogen with progesterone has made a huge difference to the way I feel. I like that this product is natural and it gives me confidence that it is not synthetic. It has made it possible to decrease the amount of estrogen that I take to ensure stable bone density without the use of osteoporosis drugs, which gave me distressing side effects when I tried them. I feel vitalized, energized, calmer, healthier and, go figure – balanced! I am more active, feel stronger and happier and I no longer dread the aging process.

My husband is diabetic and has been using the progesterone creme as well. After years of waking up several times for the bathroom. He now sleeps through the night without having to get up.

~ Jeanned
Honeymoon Bay, British Columbia

I have been using the Balance Cream for at least a year now. I recently went out of town and didn’t use it for over a week – what a difference that made. I had lots of hot flashes without the cream and it made me realize how much I value and appreciate it!

~ Pamela
Kelowna, BC

Progesterone cream has made life so much easier than it was before. I used to have hot flashes – I was averaging, if I was lucky, 2 – 4 hours sleep at night and I have heart palpitations. I used to fry my boss’s mind when I would be stripped down to a t-shirt while it was down to under 10 Celsius while they were running around in very warm clothes. Sometimes I’d even go curling in a t-shirt. Now that I am using the cream I can sleep a full 6 to 7 hours a night. I do not have hot flashes, and according to my husband, I’m a whole lot easier to live with.


~ C.C.
Kenora, Ontario

Since I started to use the Balance Cream I have not had any problems with hot flashes or just the feeling of tiredness. I would recommend this product to anyone who is having problems with pms or any symptoms relating to the change of life. I had too much estrogen and as a result, ended up with uterine cancer. That was eight years ago. I started to take the creme shortly after I had a complete hysterectomy. I wish someone had told me about it years ago. I feel that if I had been on the progesterone cream, I would not have had uterine cancer.

~ Connie
Saint John, New Brunswick

I decided to try natural progesterone cream in order to counteract Osteopenia. I have not yet had a bone density scan so I can’t, at this point, say if my bones have improved, but I can definitely say that my sleep pattern has improved. As a senior I experienced a lot of nights when I would be wide awake for hours on end. Since using the cream sleepless nights are rare, so I am really thankful for that.

~ D.R.

I have been recommending Kokoro Balance Cream in my practice for the past year with phenomenal results. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as heavy menstrual flow, endometriosis, headaches, lost libido, concentration and sleep deprivation showed marked improvement within a surprisingly short period of time. Promising results with Rosacea.

~ Monique
Azilda, Ontario